Some of our congregation

Some of our congregation

Our aim in worship is to draw people closer to God. We want the services to be relaxed and welcoming to people of all faiths and none. We recognise the value of worshipping together as a whole church, so our morning services have a multi-generational dynamic.

The morning services pick upon on our desire to make Everyone Welcome they are therefore informal in style and seek to include everybody. We have a ‘Come as you are attitude’. In fact as someone commented recently, ‘You don’t have to dress up to come to church. One of our Pastors wears jeans!’

We are broad in our choice of music trying to use the best from all church traditions. We are increasingly using art and new media in our services.

Sunday Morning Services start at 11 am

There is a crèche under 3, and also groups for children and young people up to the age of 18. Kid’s Club for 3-10 and 24/7 year six to year 13. All Join In Service when the whole church (all ages) come together to worship and explore God’s word. Three times a year we hold parade services with the Scouts and Guides.

Sunday Evenings

Evening Services come in many flavours and forms. Consequently, they tend to change quite regularly. To keep track it is worth taking a look at the Weekly Newsheet.

Mid-Week Worship – Every Wednesday 10:30 am

Mid-Week Worship is a more formal and traditional service. During the Covid Crisis, it will conform to the Welsh Government Guidelines regarding Social Distancing for places of worship. This means that if you would like to attend you will need to phone the church office and book your place. Once the situation has relaxed you will be able to attend as per normal.

Online Church

Recently we have started to develop Online Church. This is more than Church Online.

We are looking to develop a new expression of the church on Facebook and YouTube that is more than just what we do dump on the web but is a fresh expression of church that is wholly online.

This will include a service that is designed for online. A Prayer and chat room. Bible Study other courses via Zoom that will enable you to interact with the online congregation. Follow the link to follow us and join this new church.

The Mount Church (Kerala)

We also have the privilege of sharing our building with an Indian Congregation who meet weekly on Sunday Nights from 5 pm in the Upper Hall.


prospects - access to lifeWe are pleased and privileged to have a Causeway Group as part of Albany Road Baptist Church. The group meets twice a month at 3 pm every 1st and 3rd Sunday. This is a growing group that encourages and supports those with learning difficulties. Its aim is to help them come to Know Christ and Grow in Faith. One of the highlights of the year is the Causeway Christmas Carol Service.

Quiet room

Quiet room

There is a small Nursing/Quiet room to the left of the foyer in the front of our Church for mothers with babies and young children. Please feel welcome to use it during the services for privacy and quiet time. However, because everyone is welcome do not feel obliged to do so. This facility is offered for your comfort.