Our Mission Statement as a church embodies our commitment to see people moving on in life and faith. We offer encouragement and support as people find: their feet; their place and their purpose not simply in church but in the rest of their lives.
We recognise that no one is perfect and none are immune from the stresses, strains and struggles of life. We are not a church of perfect people. We are a church of perfectly ordinary people who have found a personal relationship with Jesus Christ to be the springboard in people realising their true potential.
Our desire is to see people healed and whole. We look to help all discover; develop and deploy their gifts in places of meaningful service both for themselves and in the cause of the Gospel.
We seek to do this by offering a range of opportunities: Know Christ better; Grow in Active Faith; Go Out in Mission; and Service in Love.
Know Christ:
Each course or group outlined here is intended to provide you with the opportunity to know Christ. It doesn’t matter whether you are just curious about faith and want to find out more or have been a Christian for more years than you can remember we seek to provide environments where you can take your next step.
For information about any of these groups, please contact the Church Office.
Grow in Faith:
Growing in faith is not a question of gaining more knowledge or understanding the Bible better – important though these things are. If we are to grow in faith we need to be willing to step out of our comfort zones. We need to take the risk of putting our faith and our knowledge into practise. As a church we are committed to providing a wide range of opportunities to do this:
- Ministry Discovery
- This course helps you to answer the question – Why am I here? What is God’s plan and purpose for my life both long and short term? It will help you find a place to grow and serve in mission and ministry.
- On the Streets
- There is no better way to grow in faith than to do something in the community where you have to rely on the Holy Spirit to lead and to guide you. Once a month a team go out into our community looking to be led by God to those who are looking for Him.
- Finding Your Personal Mission Style
- Christians often think that to be a witness and to do mission means have to become something you aren’t. This course will help you explore what it means to help people find faith in a way that fits with who you are and the gifts and personality you have. Pointing People to Jesus becomes so much easier when you are being yourself.
- Ministering in the Spirit
- As a church, we are committed to praying for peoples healing and wholeness. This course will help you explore how.
We believe that God has called and equipped all who see Albany Road Baptist Church as their home not only to play their part in the life of the church but also to discover their calling and ministry. As a result, we are always interested to talk to those who feel God might be nudging them to do something for him. It may not be something that we are doing currently, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t keen to hear your thoughts and see if it is the next project or ministry that God would have us start.