One of the ways we seek to engage our local community is through Art. We are very fortunate to have at least one talented Artist as a Church Member.
Mary Dewey is a painter and sculptress. Mary runs our Art Class. She is qualified to teach a range of art techniques. She has also developed the Joshua Gallery near her home. She exhibits her own art around the community and takes commissions.
The profile of art is growing in the church. We are looking for new ways to use art in the cause of mission in the local area.
Art Class meets every Wednesday in the lower hall from 7:30 pm and cost £3 per evening.
It does not matter what your ability Mary is there to guide you and advise you. This is a guided class where you will be helped to discover your talent (even if you think it is nothing).
This art class is suitable for all, those who are just beginning, those who would like to develop their skills, as well as for more experienced artists, in a relaxed and fun atmosphere.
People are very friendly and welcoming, with the occasional outings to galleries, or for a meal
Please email Mary Dewey via the Church Office for more information.